Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day 1 (Hopefully with more to come)

Today is my first day, it seems, using a computer. This is my new web page/blog. I have done this for the sole purpose of getting thoughts out to you, the public, on everything sports. Now, I have never done anything like this before, so stay with me. But for all of you who know me, and for those of you who do not, keep checking back. Everyone has an opinion, especially on sports. Let it be known. That's what I am trying to accomplish here. I'll try to post every day, at the very least. It's quite obvious that everyone thinks they are some sort of gifted writer (note the 14 billion people that have a blog of some sort). But, for me it's all about getting whats on my mind out into the world. For years I have had an opinion on the world of sports. Everything from the Phillies shitting down their own leg in the playoffs, to the Patriots undefeated season, to every player from the 90's being juiced on roids like a goddamn racehorse. Well here it goes. Hopefully it works out. So check back...please.

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